Spanish documentary "Chromosome 5" (Maria Ripoll & Lisa Pram, 2013) won this year's Grand Prix at BOSIFEST. The film is based on the intimate diary of the girl's Andrea mother who suffers from a rare genetic disorder from lack of chromosome 5. Very touching story told in film language left no one indifferent not even the jury who was composed of Slobodan Sijan, Srdan Golubovic and Darijan Mihajlovic. How was born the idea for this film, how much means to them the BOSIFEST Award, and what are the reactions of the audience for our site told us Lisa Pram, co-author and mother of the girl, who is the hero of this film.
How much is common disorder of chromosome 5 and how much the public is familiar with it?
This is a rare genetic disorder resulting from deficiency of chromosome 5, and he manifests in the so-called cat's sounds with sick children. For the first time the disease was described by Jérôme Lejeune in 1963. This disorder affects all ethnic groups, and occurs one case in 50,000 newborns. It is more common with female children.
You participated in many festivals, how are the reactions of the audience?
The film has caused a very strong emotion among the audience. We are happy and grateful that the story spreads and that reaction of the audience is positive.
Film "The boy Yugoslav" is displayed in the review part of this year's BOSIFEST. In an interview for our website Vukosavljevic told us how he created the film "Boy Yugoslav", the fate of the boy, how is hard to make a documentary film and the significance of the festival such as BOSIFEST.
From where the idea came to make a movie about a boy Yugoslav?
It came from the TV reports from one of the leading station in the country. The journalist misjudged Jugoslav, attempting to present the story more sad than it actually is. I think it's wrong to manipulate the sincere emotions of a child due to the larger audience. Unfortunately TV program is increasingly moving in that direction.
How hard is it to record this documentary and how was the recording process?
Nowadays every film project is difficult to start without assistance, primarily referring to finances. In our case, the story was recognized by people from the Youth Office Obrenovac and union TENT, without which we would never have entered into the process of production and recording. It is a pleasure doing a job that you love especially when you point to charities, although it is not always possible. Recording, field work, research, all total of seven months. There are four stages, research and script, record (Storyboard) and installation process, but the work did a great pleasure especially for us in those moments, when we were connecting more and more people who supported the whole project, and it represented special satisfaction, and with Yugoslav and his mom Zoka we all were much closer.
The fate of the boy attracted the attention of the public, in which way film contributed and do you know in which direction continued Jugoslav living after this film?
The movie primarily had got a humanitarian character, its main purpose was to help Yugoslav, and on the premiere in the cinema "SKC" through donations it already justified the film. Collected money was necessary for medicines and other basic needs of the boy who lives with his mother. We filled a cinema hall and I'm really happy that now everybody are supporting Yugoslav. I believe that consciousness is somehow different when we talk about such cases, the community should be there, and that competent people have to help when there is so many human resources. We had three projections in Obrenovac, near Belgrade, on the "BOSIFEST" we entered into the review part, and the film is presented and supported by the European agency for development and special needs in education of young people, from United Kingdom, London. With Jugoslav we are in contact, we often visit him, he doesn’t use crutches anymore and things are going well, he is a very positive kid.
What is the significance of the BOSIFEST festival?
For Serbia a lot, particularly in developing responsible behavior and community facilities for persons with disabilities and special needs. I like the idea of displaying the winning films in other municipalities of Belgrade, I think Obrenovac and his audience certainly deserved that.
What do you think about the idea that BOSIFEST continues its life after the official end of the festival, by postproduction of winning films?
Any idea of promoting films in this way as "BOSIFEST" must live.