"Energy of creativity"

The movies which were projected on the fourth BOSIFEST, Belgrade International Film Festival for and by the People with Disabilities, have caused great attention of the media and the general public. During the three days of the festival, from the 5th to the 7th of June at Dom omladine, large number of visitors had the opportunity to see 34 feature films, documentaries and animated films from all over the world. In this year's selection of BOSIFEST, organized by Hendi Center “Koloseum”, they found some of the best short films, feature films and animated films whose authors are people with disabilities, and movies that deal with the status, rights and achievements of people with disabilities.

The Council of the film festival BOSIFEST 2011 with the jury members: 
Slobodan Šijan, Srdan Golubović and Darijan Mihajlović on 07.06.2013. assigned the following prizes:

The "Chromosome 5", by Maria Rilpoll, Lisa Pram, Spain, 2013, was awarded with the Grand Prix prize.

The story is about loss and meeting. Andrea lost a small part of the fifth chromosome, but her mother must find a new way of seeing and accepting.


Winner of a crystal plaque for the best director's was film "Aka Doc Pomus," Will Hecther, Peter Miller, Canada, 2012.

Jerome Felder, who was born in Brooklyn, is suffering from the child paralysis.  As a singer of blues music, he later called himself Dok Pomus and then became famous as one of the greatest songwriters of musical rock and roll era.



The crystal plaque for the best screenplay went to the film "The Last Taboo", Alexander Freeman, USA, 2012.
This immersive story, that warms heart, talks about six people with various disabilities and the partner of one of them.